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Cyberus, Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Cyber security – European international Master
CYBERUS Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree is an EU initiative by a consortium of European universities to train the best students wordlwide in cybersecurity. The CYBERUS Erasmus Mundus Master in Cybersecurity, or CYBERUS, is the joint response by Université Bretagne Sud – UBS (Lorient, France), Université du Luxembourg – UL (Luxembourg) and Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB (Brussels, Belgium), in conjunction with Tallinn University of Technology – TalTech (Tallinn, Estonia) and some 50 universities, research centres, state agencies, companies and business clusters worldwide to address these types of cybersecurity threats.
It offers two tracks – IoT cybersecurity and Sofware Cybersecurity – and it includes compulsory international mobility. CYBERUS has been selected for funding by the EU to be an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD). An EMJMD is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions.
During the master students will neeed to move in several universities in Europe. A mobility programme is available.
Call is open for next two years-cycle: 2024-2025 – The call for applications is open until Sunday 4 February 2024, 23:59 CET. Review conditions first. Selection process is explained here.
The annual registration fee is €4,500. It includes an International Health and Accident Insurance and it covers all compulsory academic activities but neither travel, food nor lodging. CYBERUS has a policy of supporting the best students. fee waiver and a scholarship of €1,400/month for the whole 24 months of the programme or just a fee waiver may be available. For the 2024 intake Cyberus is planning to offer about 20 fee waivers and scholarships and around 10 additional fee waivers. But students with poor financial resources can be supported. See section related to financial support.
Two-year full-time master programme. It is taught in English. It offers 2 specialisation tracks leading to double master’s degrees: IoT Cybersecurity (between UBS and ULB): security of digital objects/equipment, of their design and of their connections, Software Cybersecurity (between UBS and UL): security of applications, systems and programming.
Students enrolled in the IoT Cybersecurity track receive a double master’s degree from UBS and ULB while those registered in the Software Cybersecurity track receive a double master’s degree from UBS and UL. A balance is targeted in the number of students in either specialisation. Language of the master will be English and French.
The study plan is the following:

Université Bretagne Sud – 27 rue Armand Guillemot CS 7030. 56321 LORIENT Cedex. FRANCE – Tel : +33 2 97 87 66 66