Ramy is the Chief Privacy Officer of global banking giant BNP Paribas Group, and he joined me for an exclusive discussion about cyber security innovation in the financial services sector.
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Cyber security Innovation in Financial Services
During the interview, Ramy discussed various topics related to cyber security innovation and risk transparency, delving into the complexities of cyber security innovation generally and in sector-specific instances, sharing his thoughts on what a next-gen security stack should look like. He also discussed how the financial services sector has evolved in terms of cybersecurity preparedness and how best to educate employees within a large, complex, global organization about the criticality of security within the organisation.
When it comes to cyber risk transparency and how current and impeding legislation serve to hasten the implementation of systems and frameworks that, without policies obliging entities to adopt them, may still run the risk of being viewed as nice-to-haves by those in control of the budget.
I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Ramy as it gave me insight into how a senior security practitioner views trends and tangibles from their vantage point.

The Secure in Mind Project
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